Saturday, July 14, 2012

PYP Unit Order

When we get back to school in August, we need to sit down and think about the order that we teacher the PYP units in. Right now, we have Exhibition as the second-to-last unit with 'What's Your Style' being last. Is this what we want to do again? Would it be better to finish the year with the culminating projects of Exhibition?

Think about these questions and be ready to possibly rework the order of our PYP Units in August.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Here are a few very interesting links about education:
 - Ken Robinson on Multiple Intelligence.
 - Ken Robinson in TED Talks. In this one he is talking about Revolutionizing Education.


This blog is going to be a place where the 5th grade team at AISA (The American International School in Abu Dhabi) can post, think about, and talk about PYP. We can share ideas, write down thoughts, and post suggestions to make our lives easier next year when it comes to teaching our PYP units and Exhibition.

Welcome, and thanks for joining!